Oh! This entry is more than 2 years old.
I've decided to let some of my old work stay on this site as a reference point to my progress!
New portfolio & CV
New website
After 4,5 years, it was about time to update my portfolio. Both front-end and back-end needed a big face lift. The old wordpress back-end was happily upgraded to Gutenberg. I gave the design a similar but different setup than last. I do like the simpleness of just a plain grid, but I felt the design needed something "more", therefore I added big typography as the header.
I've decided to keep some of my old projects so that visitors of this site can see my progress throughout the years.
New logo
Since I already updated the website design and my CV, I thought it was about time to reinvent the logo as well. Just like last time, I'm doing this just for fun.
This time I went for a more playful logo. The previous one was very sharp and thin, and I wanted to do the opposite.
You can see the original project here